VERSAPRINT Celebrates One-Year Milestone at M12 General Assembly

Barcelona, May 2024 – VERSAPRINT, the pioneering battery research initiative funded by the European Commission, recently celebrated its one-year milestone at the M12 General Assembly held at the LEITAT facilities in Barcelona on 2-3 May.

The two-day event, attended by 36 partners from across Europe, marked a significant moment in the project’s journey towards transforming battery technology.

The agenda for the assembly included informative sessions covering project coordination, technology validation in relevant environments, simulation tools, dissemination, and an update on the project’s progress and anticipated delays.

Among the highlights of the assembly were:

  • Proof of concepts showcase: Partners CEA, RWTH, and LEITAT showcased their innovative busbars, each presenting a unique approach. Attendees had the opportunity to witness the cutting-edge laser printing technology used by LEITAT to create their multifunctional busbar at the DFactory laboratories.
  • Industry collaboration: Industrial partners actively participated in discussions on scaling up project innovations for industry applications. Topics included busbar dismantling and the production speed of on-cell microchannels.
  • Interview sessions: Partners demonstrated full collaboration and enthusiasm during interviews for upcoming project videos. These sessions covered technical/scientific aspects as well as industry perspectives.
  • Timely action on project delays: The assembly addressed delays in BB1 and self-reinforced polymers (SRP) procurement, emphasising the consortium’s commitment to meeting project deadlines.

Easy-to-dismantle busbar proof of concept by RWTH.

The consortium expressed optimism about VERSAPRINT’s progress and confidence in their ability to overcome challenges and deliver the expected innovations in battery technology. The project looks forward to continued success and collaboration as it enters its second year of research and development.

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