Versatile printed solutions for a safe and
high-performance battery system


Versaprint is a 3-year Horizon project that brings innovation to batteries in the transport sector, improving their safety, manufacturability, sustainability, performance, and lifetime. Its main goal is to boost the circular economy and the cost-effectiveness of the battery value chain.

By 2D/3D printing on the cell or module components, VERSAPRINT offers technical solutions (Building Blocks – BBs) that contribute to tackling safety issues, enhancing performance, and decreasing cost and environmental impact. These versatile solutions are adaptable to different types of cell formats (prismatic or pouch) and will not be chemistry-dependant.

Specific objectives of the project

Improve the anticipation and mitigation of safety issues over the battery lifecycle
Increase performance at battery system level
Decrease battery system environmental footprint
Support decision making for next generation battery systems
Support decision making for next generation battery systems
Explore and maximise replication towards mobile and stationary applications


At cell level

Increased safety and performances by printing novel features

At cell unit level

Boosted manufacturability and recyclability through novel multi-functional designs

At module level

Optimised safety and environmental footprint with engineered printable materials


Demonstration of the benefits of VERSAPRINT technologies for the automotive sector


Demonstration of the benefits of VERSAPRINT technologies for the aeronautics sector

Waterbone and others

Virtual demonstration of the VERSAPRINT advancements for waterborne sector and replicability for other mobile and stationary applications

Transversal approach

VERSAPRINT acts as close as possible from the heart of the battery system, tackling performance improvement at the most appropriate level and optimising the system as a multi-physical equation to be solved with a multi-criteria and interdisciplinary methodology.


Interested in having more information about our work or contributing with new ideas? Get in touch with the Project coordinator and the Communication managers!

At cell level

At cell level, VERSAPRINT improves safety and performance by:

  • providing thermal regulation via printed micro-channels that carry a cooling fluid on the cell surface and reduce the risk of Thermal Runaway, increasing density and lifetime (BB1)
  • improving the system thermal and safety management through printed sensors that monitor the temperature and detection of H2 (BB2)

At cells unit level

At cells unit level, VERSAPRINT targets safety, performance, and circularity by:

  • adding thermal dissipation, electrical shunt and safe dismantling functions on busbars via multi-functional designs (BB3)
  • allowing easy and safe dismantling and re-manufacturing of batteries through alternative solutions, including a non-welded busbar (BB4)

At module level

At module level, VERSAPRINT targets safety, performance, and environmental footprint by:

  • lowering the casing’s weight, without losing its capability to contain Thermal Runaway and ensuring good recycling rate by using Self-Reinforced Polymer (SRP) (BB5)
  • providing an advanced thermal/fire response by adding recyclable Phase Change Material and Flame Retardants (PCM/FR) to polymeric components at most critical locations (BB6)
  • controlling the gas/fire released during a Thermal Runaway by cooling and evacuating exhaust gases safely thanks to an integrated exhaust gas management system (BB7)