End-user cases

VERSAPRINT will provide a validation at Technology Readiness Level 5 (TRL5) in relevant industrial environments. The BBs, used individually or in combination depending on end-user requirements, will be demonstrated for some key applications.

Validation at Module Level






Module prototype
for automotive

Module prototype
for aeronautics

Virtual module prototype
for waterborne


VERSAPRINT extends the deployment of the BBs to additional automotive and aeronautics use cases, as well as to other applications such as motorcycles, buses, non-road machinery, and stationary energy storage. The modularity/versatility of the individual BBs is evaluated with a Decision Tool.


Aiming to find the best compromise for an end application, VERSAPRINT provides a Decision Tool based on its methodology to size the needs, choose the most appropriate cell chemistry and format, and decide which Building Block or combination of BBs is the most suitable for the given conditions.

The printing processes are flexible enough to adapt to various cells or system components and the Building Blocks (BBs) can be combined differently according to the requirements and constraints. The described methodology is embedded in a digital Decision Tool which integrates new functions to calculate the optimal battery BBs configuration including technical aspects and mechanical constraints during a Thermal Runaway propagation. The costs and the battery lifetime are also considered to run the optimisation, taking advantage of VERSAPRINT solutions for easier and safer processes, higher thermal management performance, and easier maintainability.